
Career and Job Market Writing Resources

Teaching Philosophy Statement Asynchronous Course

The Graduate Writing Center and Teaching Assistant Development Program in partnership with XCITE are collaborating to support graduate students and post docs in preparing for the job market by creating an asynchronous course to help guide course participants in their writing of the teaching philosophy statement: an essential job market document for those seeking a teaching-oriented position. The GWC and TADP program specialists believe that developing an accessible and inclusive multimodal learning tool that (1) alleviates time constraint issues for graduate students and post docs and (2) allows for time and space for deep reflective practices will provide course participants with the skills necessary for pursuing their professional endeavors. By the end of this course, participants should be able to:

  • explain what a teaching statement is and why it is important;
  • identify a job call and how to tailor a teaching statement appropriately; and
  • write and review their own teaching statement. 

The online course will be made-up of a 3-level structure as follows

  1. Level 1: Complete Asynchronous Modules via Canvas
    1. Accredible Badge Awarded for Each Module Completed
  2. Level 2:  Attend One-on-one Synchronous Meeting with a GWC Consultant
  3. Level 3: Revise Teaching Philosophy Statement and (Re)Submission for Asynchronous Video Feedback
    1. Micro-credential Awarded for Completion of All Modules and Refined Draft of Statement

Asynchronous consultation guidelines are as follows:

  • Four participant submissions per week (on Mondays) 
  • Consultants will develop intentional, thoughtful feedback in the form of both marginal and recorded commentary
  • Document Submission Guidelines
    1. Documents MUST be attached to appointment slot
    2. All documents submitted must be in word (.doc/docx) document form
    3. Allow for seven business days from time of appointment for feedback; feedback will be provided by 5:00 p.m. the following Wednesday via your UCR-affiliated email address.
    4. If you have specific writing concerns you would like the consultant(s) to read for while reviewing your document, indicate these concerns in the submission details text-box and/or at the top of your attached document. 

The asynchronous course is set to go live beginning Summer 2024. Check back for more information regarding definitive dates and registration processes.